Monday, May 24, 2010

Pleasure to Nita, Pain to Bhajji, Panga with Mukesh and Pressure to Modi

All of those who have seen the next picture will have a doubt in mind.

Who should sue whom?

  • Should Neeta sue Harbajan, for being so romantic in front of a billion crowd, and also infront of her billion dollar husband?
  • Should Harbhajan sue Neeta for jumping on him and causing back/spinal cord problems?

Worried Mukesh planning to sue all Three..

You may ask..., WTF, who is the third one?

  1. First is Neeta for betraying him .
  2. Then Bhajji for having a good time(s) with his wife Neeta infront of him.

Vijay Mallya clarified the speculation.... He told to media "In this case.... the words Good times mentioned by Mukesh has nothing do with my brands.."

And in a dramatic turn-around, Mukesh wants to sue one to be sued) for providing their promotional Ad. Just at the wrong place (check the above pic of neeta-bhajji again)

Modi, who is already F***ed by BCCI and media, got more worries negotiating with team owners. His face expressions changed drastically over few days. Look at the change in his facial expressions. See... see..

And the Great Indian Tamasha started b/w sports, industrialists and media.

More to Follow? Keep Guessing !